Friday, 11 May 2012

Rhubarb and rainbows

It's been a brilliant day all round. Fine and warm and sunny with a breeze. Just perfect. I even wore one of my summer tops today and didn't freeze. I wandered down to feed the ducks and saw to my dismay that my rhubarb has been eaten and not by me!! I suspect it was the rabbits which got dumped. They come onto my land at night. Since rhubarb is poisonous, I'm surprised they aren't ex rabbits. It looks like I'll have to rig up some kind of wire fence otherwise they'll end up decimating my veggie plot.
 The accursed polytunnel has still not been erected. It's simply too complicated. What a waste of money that frame was. Instead I'm going to see if I can use some of the sections to make a polytunnel using MDPE pipe.Will have to sit down with pencil and paper and work something out. Shouldn't be too difficult.

I was out and about in the car yesterday and this afternoon. Yesterday was a day of bright sunshine and showers which resulted in a beautiful rainbow. I stopped to photograph it and pondered what it is about them that has impressed human beings since the beginning of time.
 This afternoon showed another in roughly the same place.

 Tomorrow I am off out to go and see some chickens. I am hoping to buy a trio of French copper black marans. Will have a look at them first though because in the past I have found people selling the commercial Marans Noir as French copper black maran and it is not the same thing at all, but a hybrid. Sure it lays brown eggs, but not the very dark chocolate brown of the pure breed ones.
Hopefully I will breed from them and use some of the hens to put with one of my green egg laying hybrid cockerels. The pullets which hatch from these eggs will end up laying very dark khaki eggs.
 I don't think I'll have any time this weekend to do anything in the vegetable garden.In any event, I cannot do much until I have made it rabbit proof.

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